1975a On the conjecture of Artin and Tate
Ann. of Math. (2) 102 (1975), no. 3, 517--533.


The results in this article are easy for a prime $\ell\neq p$. The point is that both the zeta function of a surface and the $\ell$-part of its Brauer group can be described by the same cohomology groups, namely, the étale groups $H^i(X,\mu_{\ell^n})$, which were well understood by the 1970s. By contrast, the $p$-part the Brauer group is described by the flat cohomology groups $H^i(X,\mu_{p^n})$ and the zeta function by the crystalline cohomology groups, neither of which were very well understood. So I had to understand the two cohomologies, and work out the relation between them. Of course, this is all much better understood now.

The condition $p\neq 2$

The only reason I had to assume that the characteristic $p$ is odd in the paper is that, at the time, Bloch's paper (listed as a preprint) was the only reference for what is now called the de Rham-Witt complex and it requires $p$ to be odd. Illusie's paper Ann ENS 1979 doesn't require condition, so if you change the reference from Bloch to Illusie, you can drop the condition "$p$ odd".

Alternatively, you can deduce the main theorem (4.1) of the paper from Theorem 0.4b of my AJM 1986 paper, which doesn't assume $p$ odd.

In more detail: I use the condition p odd only in Theorem 2.1 of the paper. The proof of that theorem used my flat duality theorem for a surface, which used Bloch's paper, which assumes p odd. Illusie didn't require p odd, so if you replace the reference to Bloch by a reference to Illusie you can drop the condition from my paper 1976a (Ann ENS) and hence from my 1975 paper.

However, the argument in my paper only proves that the pairing on the Brauer group is skew-symmetric (not alternating), so it only gives that the order of the Brauer group is a square or twice a square (if finite) --- for a proof that it is always a square, see Liu, Qing; Lorenzini, Dino; Raynaud, Michel On the Brauer group of a surface. Invent. Math. 159 (2005), no. 3, 673--676.

In my papers 1986a and 1988b I prove more general results than in my 1975 paper without the condition $p$ odd (by then Illusie's paper on de Rham-Witt was available).

Conjecture (d) of Tate's 1966 Bourbaki talk

This says that, for a surface $V$ fibred over a curve $C$, the full conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer holds for the Jacobian $A$ of the generic fibre if and only if the Artin-Tate conjecture holds for the surface $V$. Ultimately, Conjecture (d) was proved by combining the following two statements: In the situation of Conjecture (d), $\mathrm{Br}(V)(\ell)$ is finite if and only if $TS(A)(\ell)$ is finite. For $\ell\neq p$, which is all that is needed, this is an easy calculation in étale cohomology, which was known to Artin and Tate in the mid 1960s --- see Tate's 1966 Bourbaki talk. Of course, this was known to all the experts once the two statements had been proved.


p.525 The statement of (4.1d$^{\prime}$) should read: $\mathrm{NS}% (X)\otimes\mathbb{\hat{Z}}$ (the hat is missing). (From Timo Keller).


The results of this paper are often mistakenly credited to others by careless authors. Apart from the usual sloppiness, this seems to result from a misperception that a torsion group is finite if each $\ell$-primary component, $\ell\neq p$, is finite. Here are a few examples.

Grothendieck 1966, Le groupe de Brauer III, p.169, credits Artin and Tate with proving that the Tate conjecture for a surface over a finite field implies the finiteness of the Brauer group of the surface. This was, in fact, first proved in my 1975 paper.

Artin and Swinnerton-Dyer (1973)1 claim in their introduction to prove the finiteness of the Tate-Shafarevich group of the general elliptic curve in their family; only by reading the paper, do you discover that they don't. What they do prove is the Tate conjecture for the elliptic $K3$-surface --- to deduce the finiteness of the Tate-Shafarevich group, you have to apply the theorem in my 1975 paper. Since few mathematicians read beyond the introduction, this has led to Artin being credited with results he didn't prove every time he gets another award or honor.2

Nygaard 1983, p.213. Says that, for an elliptic elliptic $K3$-surface, the Tate conjecture is equivalent to the finiteness of the Tate-Shafarevich group. True, but the proof requires the results of my 1975 paper.

Sugiyama, Ken-ichi, 2004, J. Differential Geom. 68, 73--98, mistakenly credits Tate with a major result of my paper.

Coates et al., JAlg, 2009, p.658, mistakenly credit Artin and Tate with a result that was not known before my 1975 paper.

I should mention that Tate himself is scrupulous about giving credit for these results, for example, in this talk on the Millenium Prizes.

1. Artin, M.; Swinnerton-Dyer, H. P. F. , The Shafarevich-Tate conjecture for pencils of elliptic curves on K3 surfaces. Invent. Math. 20 (1973), 249--266..
2. See for example the citation for the Wolf prize, which made no sense in its orginal form, and little sense in its "corrected" form. Artin himself claims (wisely) to have not read the citation.